Our Public Meetup: What do we know
We provide science and mathematics education and consultancy services to schools and other organisations, including journals.
For schools, we conduct tailored workshops separately for teachers and students.
This includes enrichment courses, and also supervision of research projects.
Some of our current themes are:
Creative Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond
Teaching and learning Mathematics through applications
The teaching of Integrated Mathematics
Teaching and learning Physics through applications
Infinity: In Mathematics and Physics
Einstein's Relativity: Concepts and common misconceptions
Motivating students in a Physics or Mathematics class
Quantum Theory for beginners
Mathematical Modelling
Stress Management and Relaxation Workshop (practice oriented)
Yoga for Health and Fitness (practice oriented)
Simplicity in Complexity
Beginning Research in Mathematics and Science
Conjectures and Theorems in Mathematics
Guiding Research in Mathematics and Science
Please Contact Us for details and a discussion of your needs.