
The Book

This book is for mathematics lovers, but if you are not one, we hope you soon will be :).

Although it mainly targets enthusiasts in high-schools (GCE-O A-Maths, IGCSE, IP and IB)

and liberal arts colleges, the book is structured to make learning interesting for students

 with different interests and backgrounds.


Practice questions are of various levels of complexity and include many explorations of

real-life situations: They develop understanding, build confidence and examine multiple concepts.


Challenges are included for the adventurous, while Investigations are

suggested for self-study.


The Escapades chapter contains stimulating puzzles to encourage experimentation, a list

of unsolved mathematical problems, and a collection of wonderful theorems.


Included in the book are simple tips on relaxing de-stressing and re-energising to help

keep the reader’s mind sharp.

Join us in exploring the relevance of mathematics to the real world,

its beauty as a subject, the heroes, and enticing open problems!



The Authors


Adeline Ng

is a mathematics lover and explorer. She has used her vast teaching experience, and personally tailored 

curricula, to enable students achieve significant improvement in their mathematics competency and reach 

their maximum potential. She also provides consultancy and training for educational institutes through 

the Cherish Academy in Singapore. 


Dr. Rajesh R. Parwani

is a theoretical physicist and mathematics enthusiast who specialises in quantum theory and cosmology. 

He has taught multidisciplinary science and quantitative reasoning modules at university level, and has mentored research students 

from secondary to graduate school. Currently, he provides research and education consultancy through the 

Simplicity Research Institute in Singapore.